Special Bonus #1 Schedule
[11/28/2024 update]
The following dungeons list below have been updated.
1st of the Month Dungeon - Tier 5
Special Bonus #1 Schedule
1st of the Month Dungeon - Tier 1Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 1
1st of the Month Dungeon - Tier 22x Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 2
1st of the Month Dungeon - Tier 33x Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 3
1st of the Month Dungeon - Tier 44x Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 4
1st of the Month Dungeon - Tier 5 5x Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 5
5x Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 5
2nd of the Month DungeonTuesday & Wednesday Rush-Fire
3rd of the Month DungeonTuesday & Wednesday Rush-Water
4th of the Month DungeonTuesday & Wednesday Rush-Wood
5th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 12x 297 + Points
5th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 24x 297 + Points
5th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 36x 297 + Points
5th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 48x 297 + Points
5th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 510x 297 + Points
6th of the Month DungeonTuesday & Wednesday Rush-Light
7th of the Month DungeonTuesday & Wednesday Rush-Dark
8th of the Month Dungeon5x Rainbowpy
9th of the Month DungeonThursday & Friday Rush-Fire
10th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 12x Super Snow Globe Dragon
10th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 24x Super Snow Globe Dragon
10th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 36x Super Snow Globe Dragon
10th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 48x Super Snow Globe Dragon
10th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 510x Super Snow Globe Dragon
11th of the Month DungeonThursday & Friday Rush-Water
12th of the Month DungeonThursday & Friday Rush-Wood
13th of the Month DungeonThursday & Friday Rush-Light
14th of the Month DungeonKing TAMADRA+Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot)
15th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 1100 million Coins
15th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 2200 million Coins
15th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 3300 million Coins
15th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 4400 million Coins
15th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 5500 million Coins
16th of the Month Dungeon5x Descended Boss Egg Machine
17th of the Month DungeonFriday Rush-Dark
18th of the Month DungeonLatent TAMADRA Rush
19th of the Month DungeonGem Rush
20th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 110x Experience Boost
20th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 220x Experience Boost
20th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 330x Experience Boost
20th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 440x Experience Boost
20th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 550x Experience Boost
21st of the Month DungeonLatent TAMADRA Rush
22nd of the Month DungeonLatent TAMADRA Rush
23rd of the Month DungeonJewel Rush
24th of the Month Dungeon3x Rich Gold Dragon
25th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 1100,000 MP
25th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 2200,000 MP
25th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 3300,000 MP
25th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 4400,000 MP
25th of the Month Dungeon - Tier 5500,000 MP
26th of the Month DungeonLatent TAMADRA Rush
27th of the Month DungeonLatent TAMADRA Rush
28th of the Month Dungeon5x Event Medal - Rainbow
29th of the Month DungeonPy Rush
30th of the Month DungeonSnow Globe Rush
31st of the Month DungeonKingtan Rush

・If a dungeon that you have previously cleared becomes available again, you will still receive the Magic Stone first time clear bonus and all other rewards.
・If a dungeon with a set Tier is cleared, the next time it becomes available its Tier will increase by one.
* Once you reach a dungeon's max Tier , it will become available at the maximum Tier .
* Even if a P&D Pass subscription lapses, information about the highest dungeon Tier s unlocked by a given player is saved for a period of time.
